CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Doors and Drawers RDL Reports
    In This Topic

    The report layout for door and drawer reports are setup using the ReportsDoors/Drws page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    Door Reports are lists of Doors and/or Panels used on a job.

    The latest version of CabMaster uses RDL (Report Definition Language) for defining and running reports reports.

    To locate information about any option on the following image, click on the area of interest.

    Components TypeUse Client DetailsUse Units and SeparatorsUse Part Numbers and Edging MaterialUse Cabinet NotesUse Cabinet DimensionsSize and AccuracySize and AccuracyDoors and Drawers RDL ReportsInc Zero Thickness Edging

    Doors and Drawers Report Options

    Not all images used in the examples are from Doors/Drws reports, but the concepts are the same.

    Component Types

    (RptMaterialsDor) include Doors and/or Panels.

    Client Details

    (RDLClientDor) Whether or not to include Client details in the header of the report.

    Use Units

    (RDLUseUnitsDor) Include dimension units e.g. "mm" (both for board and cabinet dimensions).


    Use Separators

    (RDLUseSeparatorDor) Include separation characters e.g. "@" or "x" between dimensions.


    Reverse Door Dimensions

    (RDLSizeOrdDor) Reverse Height x Width dimensions for the Door.


    Click to view cabinet settings and comparisons

    Click to view cabinet settings and comparisons

    Part Numbers

    (RDLPartNoDor) Include part numbers in descriptions.


    Cabinet Notes

    (RDLNotesDor) Include Cabinet Notes (Comments).


    Part Notes

    (RDLPartCommentDor) Include Part Notes (Comments).

    Cabinet Dimensions

    (RDLDimsDor) Include the dimensions of each cabinet as a whole.


    Cabinet Dimension Separators

    (RDLDimsSeparatorDor) Include separation characters e.g. "@" or "x" between cabinet dimensions.


    Cabinet Dimension Reverse Dims

    (RDLDimsOrderDor) Reverse Height x Width dimensions for the Cabinet.


    Floor 1 Door Cabinet dimensions H:876 x W:450 x D:560 are displayed.

    Click to view cabinet settings and comparisons

    Click to view cabinet settings and comparisons

    Cabinet Dimension Height Includes Kickboard

    (RDLDimsHeightKickDor) Include the Kickboard Height in the Cabinet's Height dimension.


     = Height does NOT include kickboard

    If the kickboard height is 126mm and the height to the top of the bench of a Floor cabinet is 876mm then, if this option is unticked, the cabinet dimension height would be 750mm (i.e. 876mm less 126mm).

    Drawing Name

    (RDLDocNameDor) Whether or not to include the drawing file name on the footer of the report.

    (RDLDocPathDor) Whether this is to include the full path. Only available if 'include the drawing file name' is ticked.

    Example: "Drawing1" or  with path "c:\AllMasterSoftware\CabMaster\Data\Drawing1"


    (RptCutOrFinishDor) report the Cut or Finished sizes.



    (RDLAccuracyDor) Rounding of dimensions.


     Example shows '1 Decimal' Accuracy, underlined in red.

    Accuracy Thickness

    (RDLAccuracyThicknessDor) Rounding of thicknesses.


     Example shows 'Nearest Whole' Thickness, underlined in green.

    Edging Codes

    (CompMatEdgingIn) Determines the type of edge labelling that will be used on the reports.

    • TBLR = top, bottom, left, right
    • 2L2S = two long, two short

    Zero Thickness Edging

    (RptZeroEdgeDor) Include edging with a zero thickness by ticking the check box.

    DrawerBanks Reporting

    (BankAsOne) The ‘drawer bank’ is sized differently for the printed Cutlist (and Optimisation Link output) than for flatbed Machining. Therefore you can report by height with or without Recuts. Same as the option on Materials-Advanced > Drawer Bank page and any change here will be reflected here as well.

    Door Hinge and Drawer Front 

    (RptHingeUse) Enable this cost option report (if available) by ticking the check box.


    RDL Property Names Summary

    (Property names shown in italics)